StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Streetwalker's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

39.44% (28/71)
867 ± 160
35.90% (14/39)
817 ± 226
46.67% (7/15)
886 ± 226
41.18% (7/17)
898 ± 226
867 ± 160
817 ± 226
886 ± 226
898 ± 226
All 1048 ± 115 (#275) on May 4, 2011
vP 1009 ± 164 (#389) on May 4, 2011
vT 1058 ± 211 (#264) on June 1, 2011
vZ 1077 ± 213 (#265) on June 1, 2011
Race Terran
Country Czech Republic
Full name Jaroslav Kubík
AKA Jarax
First match July 17, 2010
Last match Nov. 23, 2014
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 4887

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/23/2014 837 Streetwalker CZ T 0–1 P RS GrayWarden 1003 HotS online
11/17/2014 837 Streetwalker CZ T 0–1 P DK Ignite 1234 HotS online
12/01/2012 941 Streetwalker CZ T 0–1 Z CZ lumpas 909 WoL online
12/01/2012 941 Streetwalker CZ T 1–0 Z CZ Petros 1016 WoL online
12/01/2012 941 Streetwalker CZ T 0–2 Z CZ DeViL 1084 WoL online
05/27/2012 949 Streetwalker CZ T 0–2 T DE Olajuwon 1093 WoL online
04/09/2012 910 Streetwalker CZ T 0–2 P CZ Freizy 1077 WoL online
04/08/2012 996 Streetwalker CZ T 0–2 Z RU Bee 973 WoL online
04/01/2012 923 Streetwalker CZ T 0–2 P KR ReaL 1307 WoL online
03/17/2012 950 Streetwalker CZ T 0–1 P CZ ReiToR 917 WoL online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
eXtatus Aug. 23, 2012 no